Chakra Meditation Music

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Chakra meditation helps to strengthen weak chakras and will benefit your health, wisdom, and happiness.

You can recharge your body, mind, and soul using chakra meditation.

How to perform a chakra meditation? Start by sitting down, cross-legged in a quiet room, you can dim the lights to create a more soothing environment. Make sure that your spine is straight, but try not to be too stiff. With your eyes closed, take a deep breath and start to relax.

Focus on each chakra in turn.

1. Root chakra

Imagine that you are drawing energy up from the earth, through the root chakra and that this is building up in the base of your spine.

2. Navel chakra

Feel the concentration of energy building up around your navel and visualize a flow of warm lava out of this chakra center.

3. Solar plexus chakra

Let your stomach muscles relax deeply and sense the movement of the energy through your diaphragm.

4. Heart chakra.

Imagine your heart getting stronger with every breath. See and feel a bright light radiating out from this area. Progressing on to the throat chakra, breath in with force. Then gradually relax your tongue, shoulders, and neck.

5. Brow chakra

Keeping your eyes closed, focus on your “third eye” (the point between your eyebrows). Endeavor to see this area even though your eyes are closed and observe what you are seeing.

6. Crown chakra

Visualize a beautiful lotus with a thousand petals blossoming from the tip of your head. As you visualize, see the color change from deep violet to a brilliant white light. Done correctly, the chakra meditation can bring you into union with your God. It is a very powerful form of meditation and helps you to stabilize your body, bringing a wave of inner peace and harmony to you.

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