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How Meditation Benefits Us

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It could be argued that the mind is the source of all our problems. If we are feeling stressed, angry, sad, or anxious, it is because of how we perceive our situation. I remember how our house became infested with termites. For my wife and I, this was a stressful situation. If that same house were given to someone who was homeless, they would probably perceive the house as a blessing.

Nothing in life has any inherent meaning other than the meaning we give it. Because we often get caught up in our thoughts, we believe that our perception of ourselves and the world is the true reality rather than our perception.

When practicing meditation, one learns to create distance between themselves and their thoughts. This space brings calmness to mind and provides room to evaluate our thoughts as to whether they make sense.

Any meditative practice, be it listening to meditative music or focusing on your breath, can serve to gain greater clarity of the mind. Because of meditation’s effects on the mind, a whole host of benefits can come from it. Research has demonstrated the following effects of meditation on the mind and body:

Pain Reduction:

Meditation has been demonstrated to improve the quality of life for those who suffer from migraine headaches and lower back pain. Meditation all increases one’s pain tolerance.

Research also demonstrates that participants with rheumatoid arthritis who practiced meditation could increase their body’s immune response.

Stress Management:

By increasing one’s awareness of thoughts and emotions, meditation allows one to process and manage stress more effectively. This, in turn, helps reduce blood pressure and heart rate.

Anxiety and Depression Reduction:

Learning to meditate improves one ability to remain in the present moment as opposed to thinking about the past or future. By remaining present, depression and anxiety are reduced.

Immunity enhancement:

When practicing meditation, one becomes less stressed. When one becomes less stressed, the stress hormone, known as cortisol, is also reduced. The reduction of cortisol allows the immune system to be strengthened.

Improved Sleep:

Practicing mindfulness improves sleeping habits. Research participants who practiced meditation reported that they were able to get a better night’s sleep. The researchers suggest that this was due to improved moods and emotions.

None of these benefits should be surprising, given the mind-body connection. Our thoughts and emotions affect the body, and our body affects the mind. By calming the mind, we reduce stress. When we reduce stress, the body’s functioning improves because it does not have to deal with stress. Because of improved body functioning, we enjoy more positive thoughts and emotions.

We are only beginning to understand our power over our minds and bodies. Maintaining a calm mind can go a long way to improving the quality of all aspects of our lives. Further, meditation can be the vehicle for harnessing that power. The good news is that learning to meditate is about the easiest thing you will ever learn. All it takes is to let go of your expectations, relax, and enjoy the present moment.

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